Friday, September 21, 2012

God Direct my Steps

Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.

Most of you are still under the impression that I am teaching at a bilingual school in the city. Well as the time to start teaching drew near the Lord let me have less and less peace about the job. I contacted the principal and told him I wouldn't be able to teach at the school. He was completely understanding that I needed to stay in full-time ministry.

 I returned to CB and have been working here since I returned to Guatemala. It is interesting to watch God open up doors and when he opens up doors.

I have been working with Sara, my boss, here at CB to get her a full-time team coordinator since last November. It has been a slow process beginning with us chatting about her needs and ways I could help her. Then it grew until I was the person helping/supporting the teams. I loved it!

Two days ago the official position/helper for Sara has been approved by the director, staff, and the American board. Yay! I am very thankful that all of those people that approved it are hoping that I will fill the position. Unfortunately for CB, my reality and desire to adopt is the same. I know the best way to love an orphan is to adopt them so is staying at CB the best plan for my life?

 A little over a month ago I began talking to a ministry Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel, They are currently looking for a team coordinator. They serve in the most difficult and dangerous parts of Guatemala. There mission is solely to spread the gospel. Isn't that what missionaries are supposed to do? Awesome! I would be leading teams from the states and they don't take US teams into the worst parts. It just isn't safe and it isn't smart for the ministry as a whole.

I could work at AMG while I'm in the adoption process because they do not serve orphans. The choice seems clear to me and probably to you. The difficult part is saying goodbye to the children and staff I have fallen in love with over the last four years.

Please pray that God will continue to guide my steps. I would love for him to close all doors and windows except for the one I should walk threw.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.