Friday, February 11, 2011


I am looking for 3 girls to rent my house. It is scary to trust anyone to live in my house but it has to be done. Let me know if you have anyone that needs a place to stay and would be kind to my house. It would be amazing if they would watch my adorable cat too. Her name is Piper. Dog lovers have enjoyed having her around. <---True statement.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sending Agency

This Monday I learned that Eternal will be my sending agency. This is very exciting! My home church will be checking up on me while I'm in Guatemala and all my funds raised for this mission will be sent to Eternal. It is a wonderful feeling to know that the church I attend fully supports this mission and believes that God is using me. It is also awesome to have a friend, Jennifer Holbrook, checking on me from Eternal. I'm relieved to have scheduled communication with the church.